Waving at an airplane

When I was much younger, I used to get a thrill out of seeing airplanes pass overhead. And upon my parents’ urging, I’d wave madly to the passengers, thinking in my wide-eyed innocence that they could actually see me. That moment was like magic.

My first few trips on a plane were even more magical.  The airport was always crowded with so many different people. And the air hostesses! So glamorous and elegant! I decided then and there that I wanted to be an air hostess when I grew up. The airplane seats were so big, and the food so good. I spent most of the time looking out the window and proudly thinking someone might be waving up to me now!

Now, countless plane rides later, the magic is no more. Now, a plane ride is a source of annoyance… the waiting in lines, the checking in, the waiting in more lines, the ride itself spent in uncomfortable seats with more-often-than-not annoying passengers. And once we land, it’s even more lines, and the desperate lunging for bags before they disappear off the belt. It took me a few years into college to idly realize I’d never grow tall enough to be an air hostess. Oh yes, plane rides have definitely lost their magic now.

Today, my boys saw an airplane passing overhead and started waving frantically at it. They have been on planes a few times, though they’re old enough to remember only 1 or 2 times. They’re still eager to know when we can travel on a plane next. They excitedly discuss between themselves all the wonders of an airplane ride. And just like that, through my kids, I’ve found a little of that magic again.